Weapon Cleaning Practices Among NCC Cadets

Start Date: 
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Start Time: 
10:00 am
1 Raj Air Squadron NCC Unit


NCC cadets prioritize weapon maintenance as a vital component of their training. Focused on instilling discipline and proficiency, the program integrates hands-on weapon cleaning sessions.

**Cleaning Procedures:**

Cadets receive practical training in disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling firearms, strictly adhering to standard operating procedures. Supervised by trained instructors, these sessions are scheduled regularly.

**Integration into Routine:**

Weapon cleaning becomes a habitual activity through scheduled maintenance sessions, contributing to the cadets' skill development and operational readiness. Despite challenges like resource availability and time constraints, NCC cadets demonstrate a commitment to maintaining their firearms responsibly.


NCC cadets not only develop technical cleaning skills but also imbibe a sense of responsibility, enhancing their overall effectiveness and readiness for future leadership roles.