tree plantation drive

Start Date: 
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Start Time: 
09:00 am
sfs community centre

     Tree plantation drive 


NAME Of THE ACTIVITY : Tree Plantation Drive  2023-24 

DATE:  4 august  2023 

VENUE : SFS community center 





  • To raise awareness to the society towards the importance of planting and saving trees 

  •  To express concern to the environment,

  • To beautify the areas for scenic beauty. 

  • To help nature and mother earth to get its natural beauty and components back

  • To make the students aware about the importance of planting trees and restoring depleted & degraded land

  • To promote environmental values and Institutional Social responsibility.


On 4 august 2023, all the cadets of IISU, Jaipur attended and participated in the tree plantation drive organized at SFS community center. In this event the community educated everyone about the importance of planting trees and made people aware if taken this lightly how badly it will affect the ecosystem. Environmental education and awareness programs can further promote the importance of tree plantation and environmental conservation, And it is our duty to conserve mother nature as its our home afterall .After talking about the benefits, each cadet volunteered to plant a tree as a token of their contribution towards the society. By planting trees, the campaign has contributed to carbon sequestration, biodiversity enhancement, and community involvement. With continued care and maintenance, the impact of this initiative will be felt for generations to come.


Outcome : The trees were successfully planted, contributing to carbon sequestration, oxygen production, and air quality improvement. Cadets actively and enthusiastically volunteered in the tree plantation drive
