CPR Training at IIS University, Jaipur

Start Date: 
Monday, February 5, 2024
Start Time: 
10:00 am
IIS University, Jaipur

Objectives : Life Preservation, Prevention of Further Illness or Injury, Encouraging Recovery, Pain Alleviation

Training Highlights

  1. Expert Facilitators:
    • The training sessions were conducted by certified CPR instructors and medical professionals.
    • Their expertise ensured accurate and up-to-date information on CPR techniques.
  2. Theoretical Knowledge:
  3. Participants received a comprehensive overview of CPR principles, including:
    • Signs of Cardiac Arrest: Recognizing when someone needs immediate assistance.
    • Chest Compressions: Proper technique for effective chest compressions.
    • Rescue Breaths: Administering rescue breaths to restore oxygen supply.
    • AED (Automated External Defibrillator): Understanding its role in resuscitation.
  4. Practical sessions allowed participants to practice CPR on mannequins.
  5. Cadets and students gained confidence in performing chest compressions and rescue breaths.
  6. Hands-On Practice:

Impact and Way Forward

  • The CPR training at IIS University instilled a sense of responsibility and preparedness.
  • NCC cadets are now better equipped to serve their communities during emergencies.
  • All students gained valuable life skills that extend beyond the classroom.